( Health Officials had predicted a surge COVID cases this summer)... So far, the predictions have not materialized.
Health Officials based their predictions on travel during the vacation period and the fact that masks are no longer required. They say, so far, there has been a slight increase in the number of COVID 19 cases, they are no where near the numbers for a surge. In California, the numbers are below the national average. At last report there were 834 coronavirus positive patients in California Hospitals. That is slightly above the 747 cases reported last month, but still way below the numbers reported in 2021 and 2022. There are currently only 24 active cases of COVID 19 in Imperial County.. Health officials say the risk of catching the virus is very low, now that Paxlovid has been approved by the US Food and Drug Administration. The anti-COVID oral drug can be taken after infection. Higher risk people could take a supply of the drug in advance of an overseas trip, or traveling to other areas in the Country. They could take the pills quickly should they test positive for the virus. It is suggested at risk people should talk to the healthcare providors about Paxlovid before they get infected..