(Maria Nava-Froelich recognized)....There was a special presentation at the Calipatria City Council recently.
At the meeting, the council recognized Nava-Froelich for her 13 years on the City Council. She decided not to seek re-election in November. During her tenure on the City Council, she represented Calipatria at the Southern California Association of Government Regional Council, The Imperial County Transportation Commission, Local Transportation Authority, Imperial County Authority for Freeway Emergencies and the Imperial County Resource Management Agency, The Local Formation Commission, The Calipatria State Prison Citizens Advisory Committee, and thge Imperial County League of Cities. In addition to that, Nava Froelich served as the Director-coordinator of the Calipatria-Niland Family Resource Center of the Calipatria Unified School District. She has decided she wants to take time to enjoy her family, and possibly travel some.