(A Federal Judge denied the motion to dismiss)...The lawsuit was filed against the County off Imperial, Naphcare Inc and others.
The lawsuit was filed by the family of Delbert Essex. The suit alleges officials and medical personnel failed to provide adequate medical care, leading to his death. Essex, aa Marine Veteran, was arrested for Driving under the influence in June 2023 by the California Highway Patrol. Essex was an insulin dependent diabetic with a seizure disorder. When he was booked into County Jail, the Nurse Rosemary Doherty evaluated him. She determined Essex was dehydrated, had a tachycardiac heart rate, high respiration rate, high blood pressure, dangerously high blood sugar levels and possibly suffered from kidney or liver disease and heart issues. Instead of administering insulin or IV Hydration, Doherty ordered that Essex be transported to a medical center. Instead, two deputies took the man tto a motel in El Centro. He was later found dead at the Motel by employees. The lawsuit claims the Imperial County, the deputy's and Naphcare Inc, the private medical company contracted by the county, were deliberately indifferent to Essex's medical needs