(The Calexico City Council meets Wednesday)...They have two interesting topics on their agenda.

The council will consider hiring a new interim City Manager. They will discuss hiring Rick Daniels to replace Juan Contreras as the interim City Manager. Contreras is also the interim Fire Chief for the City of Calexico., and he needs to concentrate on the City Fire Department. Daniels has served as City Manager in both Needles and Desert Hot Springs. Most local resident remember him as the head of the Salton Sea Authority at one time. Daniels is now retired, but he has indicated he may be able to serve as an interim City Manager for a few months, until the City hires a permanent City Manager. The full time position has been vacant for 8 months, since Esperanza Colio Warren left the position. Also Wednesday, the council will discuss Ambulance service for the City Contreras says something can be worked out enlisting new paramedics to the Fire department and man the ambulance serve. They are also negotiating with AMR Ambulance, who are filling in for the Fire Department right now. AMR also services the rest of the county with ambulance service.