(California Mid-Winter Fair and Fiesta contest)...It is the Business Window Painting contest.
Any business can participate. The businesses paint their windows using the Fair theme. This year the theme is Valley Gras. The paintings must also include the Fair Dates, February 28 thru March 16th. The contest is currently underway and the entry deadline is February 21. Enter by email with a photo of the entry, along with a contact name, name of the business, address and phone number. Email the entries to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.. The entries will be judged and the top 3 win prizes. First place gets a plaque and 50 fair tickets. Second place gets a plaque and 20 fair tickets. Third place gets a plaque and 10 fair tickets. Winners will be notified in advance and awards will be presented at the 2025 Sponsorship Dinner on February 27th.