( Louis Fuentes at one time was an up and coming politician in Imperial County)...He had served on the Calexico City Council and he was elected to the County Board of Supervisors, representing District 1.

Fuentes moved on. Literally. He moved to Sa Diego, but remained in Politics. He is currently a candidate for the San Diego County Board of Supervisors. Fuentes says he had always been an advocate of economic development and regional progress. That is the platform he is currently running on. In 2018 Fuentes made an unsuccessful run for the 51st Congressional District. He is currently one of seven candidates in the race for District one of the San Diego County Board of Supervisors. The District is along the US Border with Mexico. Fuentes has also served as chairman of the US-Mexico Border Counties Coalition and as Chairman of California Energy's Task Force. He currently resides in Chula Vista with his wife and three children