The Imperial County Board of Supervisors met Tuesday and took action on a number of items.

The Board approved a resolution adopting plans and specifications and also authorized public bidding for the McCabe Cove Road, East Villa Road and Villa Lane Roadway Rehabilitation project.

The Board approved a $100,000 Agricultural Benefit Program Grant to Holtville High School to support the Future Farmers of American program at the school.

Bari Bean, Deputy Direct of Natural Resources for the county made a presentation and update on the Lithium Valley Specific Plan Draft. The update provided insights into the plan's development, potential impact on economic growth, and efforts to ensure responsible resource management and community benefits as Lithium Valley progresses. 

Javier Duran was appointed to the Behavior Health Advisory Board as the District 3 representative. 

Seventeen individuals were appointed to the Workforce Development Board for a three-year term as recommended by the Workforce and Economic Development Office.