(The return of the CERT Program)....The El Centro Fire Department says the program is returning.

They are currently reintroducing the Community Emergency Response Team program to the public. Theey say this valuable training provides community members with the skills and knowledge to assist their family, neighbors and first responders during emergencies and disasters. CERT classes will be held at the El Centro Fire Department Headquarters, 1910 North Waterman Avenue in El Centro. The classes will begin on April 7th and conclude the first week of May. Week one classes will be held Monday, Wednesday and Friday. Week 2-4 classes will be on Tuesday and Thursday. the class hours will be from 5:30 to 8:15 pm. The program is free and covers essential disaster response skills such as Disaster Preparedness, Fire Safety and Suppression, Basic Medical Operations, Light Search and Rescue, Team Organization and Disaster Psychology. Contact El Centro Fire to register.