(2017 Imperial County Agriculture Crop and Livestock Report)…It was presented to the County Board of Supervisors.
County Ag Commissioner Carlos Ortiz made the presentation Tuesday. Ortiz said the Gross production for 2017 was valued at $2.06 billion. He said this was an increase of almost $2.4 million over the 2016 numbers. The increase was mainly due to an increase in some winter vegetable prices. Cabbage, cauliflower and particularly leaf lettuce had much higher prices. Cattle again ranked as Imperial Counties #1 commodity with a gross value of over #387 million, despite a decrease of 3.6 % from 2016. Ortiz said this was due to a 5% decrease in market price. Rounding out the top ten commodities in 2017 was leaf lettuce, alfalfa, head lettuce, broccoli, spinach, onions, alfalfa seed, carrots and Sugar beets, in that order.