(The strike is over)…Not everyone, however, is happy.
The Imperial County Deputy District Attorneys Association had been out on strike for just over a week. In a statement read Wednesday morning, the Association said they had hoped the strike would shed light on their current staffing crisis and bring the County back to the bargaining table in good faith. They say that did not happen; in fact, they say things are now worse as the County continues to negotiate in bad faith. The Attorneys say they returned to work Wednesday morning because there was no point in continuing the strike. The Association said an offer submitted to the County last week by District Attorney Gilbert Otero, offering to use his own office budget to give each of the current employees a 10% raise, not costing the County a dime, was not accepted by the Board of Supervisors. The Board may their own offer Tuesday. It was discussed and the Association says they reluctantly accepted it. But, when asked for a final copy of the offer, it contained additional stipulation, such as the elimination of three of the vacant positions in the D.A.’s office. The Association says the County offer makes their situation worse than before. The Association says they will not go forward by pursuing any and all legal remedies that are available.. They say they have reason to believe the County engages in unfair practices with all of the other bargaining units. They say they hope their actions will stop those practices for all the bargaining units.